El Macaco Japonés
Macaca fuscata
En esta presentación se encuentran las obras que hemos consultado en nuestros estudios del Macaco Japonés (Macaca fuscata). Incluimos citas a otras obras que talvez sean de utilidad a quien necesite más información.
Brandon-Jones, D., A. A. Eudey, T. Geissmann, C. P. Groves, D. J. Melnick, J. C. Morales, M. Shekelle, y C. B. Stewart. 2004.
“Asian Primates Classification”
International Journal of Primatology 25(1):97-164
Chaffin, Charles L., Karen Friedlen y Frans B. M. De Waal. 1995.
“Dominance style of Japanese macaques compared with rhesus and stumptail macaques”
American Journal of Primatology 35(2):103-116
Chiarelli, A. B. 1972.
“Taxonomic Atlas of Living Primates”
Academic Press. London and New York. 363 pgs
Fleagle, John G. 1999.
“Primate Adaptation and Evolution: Second Edition”
Academic Press. San Diego, London. 596 pgs
Fooden, Jack. 2006.
“Comparative Review of Fascicularis-group Species of Macaques (primates: Macaca)”
Fieldiana Zoology 107(1):1–43
Groves, Colin P. 2001.
“Primate Taxonomy”
Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington y Londres. 350 pgs
Hanya, Goro. 2004.
“Diet of Japanese Macaque Troop in the Coniferous Forest o Yakushima”
International Journal of Primatology 25(1):55-72
Koyama, Nicola F. 2003.
“Matrilineal Cohesion and Social Networks in Macaca fuscata”
International Journal of Primatology 24(4):797-811
Majolo, Bonaventura, Raffaella Ventura y Nicola Koyama. 2005.
“Postconflict Behavior Among Male Japanese Macaques”
International Journal of Primatology 26(2):321-336
Nakamichi, Masayuki, Eiko Kato, Yasuo Kojima y Naosuke Itoigawa. 1998.
“Carrying and Washing of Grass Roots by Free-Ranging Japanese Macaques at Katsuyama”
Folia Primatologica 69:35-40
Napier, J. R. y P. H. Napier. 1996.
“The natural history of the primates.”
The MIT Press. Cambridge, Massachusetts. 200 pgs
Nowak, Ronald M. 1999.
“Walker's Primates of the World”
The Johns Hopkins University Press. Baltimore and London. 224 pgs
Ogawa, Hideshi. 1998.
“Adoption and Social Interactions between a Mother and 'Twin' Offspring in Macaca fuscata”
Folia Primatologica 69:100-105
Parker, Sybil P. 1990.
“Grzimek's Encyclopedia of Mammals. Volume 2”
McGraw-Hill Publishing Company. 648 pgs
Plaza & Janés, S. A. 1970.
“Vida Animal: El Brehm ilustrado: Tomo Primero”
Plaza & Janés, S. A., Barcelona. 496 pgs
Rowe, Noel. 1996.
“The Pictorial Guide to the Living Primates”
Pogonias Press. East Hampton, New York. 263 pgs
Schino, Gabriele, Roberto Cozzolino y Alfonso Troisi. 1999.
“Social Rank and Sex-Biased Maternal Investment in Captive Japanese Macaques: Behavioural and Reproductive Data”
Folia Primatologica 70:254-263
Sleeper, Barbara. 1997.
“Primates: The Amazing World of Lemurs, Monkeys, and Apes”
Chronicle Books. San Francisco. 176 pgs
Takahashi, Hiroyuki. 2002.
“Changes of Dominance Rank, Age, and Tenure of Wild Japanese Macaque Males in the Kinkazan A Troop during Seven Years”
Primates 43(2):133-138
Wada, Kazuo, Eishi Tokida and Hideshi Ogawa. 2007.
“The influence of snowfall, temperature and social relationships on sleeping clusters of Japanese monkeys during winter in Shiga Heights”
Primates 48(2):130-139
Wolfheim, Jaclyn H. 1983.
“Primates of the World: Distribution, Abundance, and Conservation”
University of Washington Press. Seattle y Londres. 832 pgs
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Revisión: Agosto del 2013