El Macaco de Berbería
Macaca sylvanus
En esta presentación se encuentran las obras que hemos consultado en nuestros estudios del Macaco de Berbería (Macaca sylvanus). Incluimos citas a otras obras que talvez sean de utilidad a quien necesite más información.
Ansorge, Viveka, Kurt Hammerschmidt y Dietmar Todt. 1992.
“Communal roosting and formation of sleeping clusters in barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus)”
American Journal of Primatology 28(4):271-280
Burton, Maurice y Robert Burton. 1974.
“enciclopedia de la vida animal”
Doctor Juan Pablo Martínez Rica, director de la edición española
Editorial Bruguera, S.A. Barcelona, España. 2760 pgs
Chiarelli, A. B. 1972.
“Taxonomic Atlas of Living Primates”
Academic Press. London and New York. 363 pgs
Fleagle, John G. 1999.
“Primate Adaptation and Evolution: Second Edition”
Academic Press. San Diego, London. 596 pgs
Fooden, Jack. 2007.
“Systematic Review of the Barbary Macaque, Macaca Sylvanus (Linnaeus, 1758)”
Fieldiana Zoology 113(1):1–60
Groves, Colin P. 2001.
“Primate Taxonomy”
Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington y Londres. 350 pgs
Grubb, Peter, Thomas M. Butynski, John F. Oates, Simon K. Bearder, Todd R. Disotell, Colin P. Groves, y Thomas T. Struhsaker. 2003.
“Assessment of the Diversity of African Primates”
International Journal of Primatology 24(6):1301-1357
Hammerschmidt, Kurt, Viveka Ansorge, Julia Fischer y Dietmar Todt. 1994.
“Dusk calling in barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus): Demand for social shelter”
American Journal of Primatology 32(4):277-289
Lee, Phyllis C., Jane Thornback y Elizabeth L. Bennett. 1988.
“Threatened Primates of Africa: The IUCN Red Data Book”
IUCN Gland, Suiza y Cambridge. Reino Unido. 156 pgs
Mehlman, Patrick. 1986.
“Male intergroup mobility in a wild population of the Barbary macaque (Macaca sylvanus), Ghomaran rif mountains, Morocco”
American Journal of Primatology 10(1):67-81
Mehlman, P. T. y R. S. Parkhill. 1988.
“Intergroup interactions in wild Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus), Ghomaran Rif mountains, Morocco”
American Journal of Primatology 15(1):31-44
Ménard, Nelly, Rachid Hecham, Dominique Vallet, Hamid Chikhi y Annie Gautier-Hion. 1990.
“Grouping Patterns of a Mountain Population of Macaca sylvanus in Algeria - A Fission-Fusion System?”
Folia Primatologica 55):166-175
Ménard, Nelly y Dominique Vallet. 1993.
“Population dynamics of Macaca sylvanus in Algeria: An 8-year study”
American Journal of Primatology 30(2):101-118
Ménard, Nelly y Dominique Vallet. 1997.
“Behavioral responses of Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus) to variations in environmental conditions in Algeria”
American Journal of Primatology 43(4):285-304
Napier, J. R. y P. H. Napier. 1996.
“The natural history of the primates.”
The MIT Press. Cambridge, Massachusetts. 200 pgs
Nowak, Ronald M. 1999.
“Walker's Primates of the World”
The Johns Hopkins University Press. Baltimore and London. 224 pgs
Parker, Sybil P. 1990.
“Grzimek's Encyclopedia of Mammalsume 2”
McGraw-Hill Publishing Company. 648 pgs
Plaza & Janés, S. A. 1970.
“Vida Animal: El Brehm ilustrado: Tomo Primero”
Plaza & Janés, S. A., Barcelona. 496 pgs
Rowe, Noel. 1996.
“The Pictorial Guide to the Living Primates”
Pogonias Press. East Hampton, New York. 263 pgs
Small, Meredith F. 1990.
“Promiscuity in Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus)”
American Journal of Primatology 20(4):267-282
Small, Meredith F. 1990.
“Social Climber: Independent Rise in Rank by a Female Barbary Macaque (Macaca sylvanus)”
Folia Primatologica 55):85-91
Timme, Angelika. 1995.
“Sex differences in infant integration in a semifree-ranging group of Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus, L. 1758) at Salem, Germany”
American Journal of Primatology 37(3):221-231
Walker, Ernest P. 1975.
“Mammals of the World: Third Edition: Volume I and II”
The Johns Hopkins University Press. Baltimore y Londres. 1500 pgs
Widdig, Anja, Wolf Jürgen Streich y Günter Tembrock. 2000.
“Coalition formation among male Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus)”
American Journal of Primatology 50(1):37-51
Wolfheim, Jaclyn H. 1983.
“Primates of the World: Distribution, Abundance, and Conservation”
University of Washington Press. Seattle y Londres. 832 pgs
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Revisión: Agosto del 2013