El Cercopiteco Azul
Cercopithecus mitis

En esta presentación se encuentran las obras que hemos consultado en nuestros estudios del Cercopiteco Azul (Cercopithecus mitis). Incluimos citas a otras obras que talvez sean de utilidad a quien necesite más información.

Butynski, Thomas M. 2002.
“The Guenons: An Overview of Diversity and Taxonomy”
en “The Guenons: Diversity and Adaptation in African Monkeys” editado por Mary E. Glenn y Marina Cords
Kluwer Academic/ Plenum Publishers. New York, NY. Pgs 3-13

Butynski, Thomas M. 2002.
“Conservation of the Guenons: An Overview of Status, Threats, and Recommendations”
en “The Guenons: Diversity and Adaptation in African Monkeys” editado por Mary E. Glenn y Marina Cords
Kluwer Academic/ Plenum Publishers. New York, NY. Pgs 411-424

Chapman, Colin A., Lauren J. Chapman, Marina Cords, Joel Mwangi Gathua, Annie Gautier-Hion, Joanna E. Lambert, Karyn Rode, Caroline E. G. Tutin, y Lee J. T. White. 2002.
“Variation in the Diets of Cercopithecus Species: Differences within Forests, among Forests, and across Species”
en “The Guenons: Diversity and Adaptation in African Monkeys” editado por Mary E. Glenn y Marina Cords
Kluwer Academic/ Plenum Publishers. New York, NY. Pgs 325-350

Chiarelli, A. B. 1972.
“Taxonomic Atlas of Living Primates”
Academic Press. London and New York. 363 pgs

Detwiler, Kate M. 2002.
“Hybridization between Red-tailed Monkeys (Cercopithecus ascanius) and Blue Monkeys (C. mitis) in East African Forests”
en “The Guenons: Diversity and Adaptation in African Monkeys” editado por Mary E. Glenn y Marina Cords
Kluwer Academic/ Plenum Publishers. New York, NY. Pgs 79-97

Fairgrieve, Chris. 1997
“Meat Eating by Blue Monkeys (Cercopithecus mitis stuhlmanni): Predation of a Flying Squirrel (Anomalurus derbianus jacksonii)”
Folia Primatologica 68):354-356

Fleagle, John G. 1999.
“Primate Adaptation and Evolution: Second Edition”
Academic Press. San Diego, London. 596 pgs

Gathua, Mwangi. 2000
“Social Interactions between Two Sympatric Forest Guenons, Cercopithecus ascanius and Cercopithecus mitis, in Kenya”
Folia Primatologica 71:353-355

Groves, Colin P. 2001.
“Primate Taxonomy”
Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington y Londres. 350 pgs

Grubb, Peter, Thomas M. Butynski, John F. Oates, Simon K. Bearder, Todd R. Disotell, Colin P. Groves, y Thomas T. Struhsaker. 2003.
“Assessment of the Diversity of African Primates”
International Journal of Primatology 24(6):1301-1357

Kaplin, Beth A. 2001
“Ranging Behavior of Two Species of Guenons (Cercopithecus lhoesti and C. mitis doggetti) in the Nyungwe Forest Reserve, Rwanda”
International Journal of Primatology 22(4):521-548

Lawes, M. J., S. P. Henzi, M. R. Perrin. 1990
“Diet and Feeding Behaviour of Samango Monkeys ( Cercopithecus mitis labiatus ) in Ngoye Forest, South Africa”
Folia Primatologica 54:57-69

Nowak, Ronald M. 1999.
“Walker's Primates of the World”
The Johns Hopkins University Press. Baltimore and London. 224 pgs

Parker, Sybil P. 1990.
“Grzimek's Encyclopedia of Mammalsume 2”
McGraw-Hill Publishing Company. 648 pgs

Payne, Hallam F. P., Michael J. Lawes, y S. Peter Henzi. 2003.
“Fatal Attack on an Adult Female Cercopithecus mitis erythrarchus: Implications for Female Dispersal in Female-Bonded Societies ”
International Journal of Primatology 24(6):1245-1250

Rowe, Noel. 1996.
“The Pictorial Guide to the Living Primates”
Pogonias Press. East Hampton, New York. 263 pgs

Sleeper, Barbara. 1997.
“Primates: The Amazing World of Lemurs, Monkeys, and Apes”
Chronicle Books. San Francisco. 176 pgs

Treves, Adrian. 1999
“Vigilance and Spatial Cohesion among Blue Monkeys”
Folia Primatologica 70:291-294

Wolfheim, Jaclyn H. 1983.
“Primates of the World: Distribution, Abundance, and Conservation”
University of Washington Press. Seattle y Londres. 832 pgs

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Revisión: Agosto del 2013